Dear Friends

Dear Friends,

I know it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me but trust me each of you have been on my mind each and every day. I think about texting but I don’t know what to say other than, “I miss you”. I think about calling but I know you’re busy and I'm two timezones away. I think about trying to plan a trip but I’m still in school. I think about the memories we had and I look through pictures of those times. I think about you constantly.

Eventually those thoughts turn to questions and doubts and I begin to worry. I worry that we won’t speak again and if we do it will be weird or tense. I worry that I’ve hurt you or wronged you and I don’t know it. I worry that I’ve been replaced, forgotten or dismissed. I worry because I care but I don’t know how to show it.

Usually this worry paralyzes me but today I remembered the words of Brene Brown, “vulnerability is the opportunity for connection”. So here I am reaching out to each of you, I miss you. I’m sorry if I’ve forgotten your birthday or haven’t seen the most recent pictures but here I am desperately trying to reconnect. In world of social media (most of which I don’t use daily anymore) there is a misconception that connection is a ‘like’ or a comment on a post but that’s not the connection I’m seeking. I’m seeking a connection that doesn’t stop at ‘how have you been?’ or small talk. Rather, let’s skips those annoying topics and get to the real talk.

So if any friends have been missing me as much as I have been missing them, please reach out. Let’s set-up a time each week to talk on the phone (Lord knows I spend enough time in the car to give everyone their fair share of time).

With love and desperation,



  1. You will never be replaced, dismissed or forgotten! As these times often consume our daily lives, we have to keep moving forward. If the phone rings we will answer and the army will be assembled if needed for anyone who needs us. I just had a conversation about a conference we are thinking about having in Denver and I said I would get my little cousin to take me to dinner. Be careful, even 2 time zones away- you can call anytime you know that! Love ya mean it!


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