Community- Be better!

"Re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a  great poem and have the richest fluency not only in its words, but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion and joint in your body." - Walt Whitman

Whitman's quote was read to me in the middle of a crowd of people doing yoga; together creating a poem with our bodies, eye lashes, joints. A collective of people seeking to do better, live better, love better, create better, raise children better, BE better.

We were not a collective seeking happiness or the perfect picture (although we most certainly got both of those that day). We were seeking to be present in the moment without loosing sight of our goals, dreams and the future. We were seeking a community to thrive within, a support system that didn't have to communicate through words or protests. Call me a hippie but we were connected by the energy around and within us, each one of us coming from a different story bringing what they had to the mat and standing tall.

My favorite part of this day wasn't who I got to share it with (even though she's one of the best that's for sure!), it wasn't the free stuff I got, it wasn't the music, it wasn't even the yoga. It was the community that was built within seconds of standing on our mats. Chelsey Korus, our teacher for the day, asked us all to come together, hands on either persons back next to us (yes it was sweaty, no one cared), we then put our foot in tree pose with our hands on the backs of those next to us, Chelsey then asked us to arch back while pushing forward and supporting those next to us. It was AMAZING! We swayed together, almost falling over together but feeling the support authentically from the people next to you was my absolute favorite part of the day.

Being supported, authentically, honestly, with love and no expectations of receiving it in return; that is where I find my bucket begins to filled up again. This is community and even my creator has community in the trinity. Community is what keeps the world strong. Community is what keeps this world moving. Community is what keeps this world loved.


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