An Open Letter to Those Who Feel Like No One Cares
Dear Friend,
Today was the first day I had truly come to understand you. I saw your thoughts written on a bathroom stall, negative self-talk, anger towards yourself, your future and everyone around you. I pictured you sitting in that stall all alone, boiling over with emotions, finally hitting your breaking point.
The teacher you have butted heads with all year finally said something that just pushed you over the edge and you want them gone, not sure whether to scream, punch something or cry you leave class to go to the quietest bathroom in the school where no one will bother you. It's almost fitting that the quietest bathroom in the school is the one that could overlook the lunchroom where everyone is decompressing from their hours in class. But not you... You hate lunch because it's a reminder that you're alone and no one cares.
I'm here to tell you that today you were heard, you were cared for, you are not a failure because success is based on more than your grades in school, more than your teacher. Friend I saw your cry for help today, not your threat on the school or your teacher but a cry for someone to show interest. I care and I am interested.
For nearly six years I have sat in classes trying to understand you and how to help you. For nearly six years I thought I was preparing for how to think, feel and process like you would in hopes of being able to empathize with where you were when you were sitting in that stall... alone... and lost. After nearly six years I realized no amount of class and theory and discussion could prepare me for the hurt of people in this world. You have been hurt in this life, Friend and you continue to carry that hurt with you everyday.
I read earlier in the week about a metaphor for hurt, anxiety, stress, depression and any other difficulties humans carry around with them. It is like a glass of water, at first it is easy to carry, the weight not difficult to manage, after an hour of holding the cup your arm would be achy, after a day your arm would be cramping and wanting to give up, any longer and your will go numb and paralyzed. This is the same thing with our stresses and worries we carry with us each day. If we carry them too long without putting them down they will paralyze us, making us numb and incapable of doing anything. So please Friend, put down the glass, slide it across the table to me and let me carry it for you for a little while.
A Counselor in Training
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